ouvrir midi dans lilypond

Musique Assistée par Ordinateur
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Messages : 7084
Inscription : 21 oct. 2002, 08:13
Localisation : Là où naissent les cloches et les andouilles.

ouvrir midi dans lilypond

Message par Pierolivier »

Tout est dans le titre, j'essaie d'ouvrir un fichier midi avec lilypond (frecobaldi) et je n'y arrive pas.
J'ai trouvé un tuto sur ubuntu mais ça gaze pas...
Je joint mon fichier si quelqu'un a une idée (je sais que c'est le genre de challenge que Dickie adore :mrvert: )
catam clb (anne 2015).pdf
(50.55 Kio) Téléchargé 357 fois
Froid de novembre, range ton membre
P. Desproges
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La Castafiore !
Messages : 10726
Inscription : 30 déc. 2005, 18:17
Localisation : Var (83)

Message par Dim »

mais là c'est un fichier PDF que tu postes :?:
L'ingénieur Barnier est formel, le projecteur de particules à double polarisation chromatique entrera en résonnance avec le palpeur de mirette si vous avez le malheur de le laisser branché. Il en résultera la destruction de votre beau câbleur tout neuf.
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Messages : 7084
Inscription : 21 oct. 2002, 08:13
Localisation : Là où naissent les cloches et les andouilles.

Message par Pierolivier »

Dim a écrit :mais là c'est un fichier PDF que tu postes :?:
Ah ben oui là forcément Image
Par contre je m’aperçois que ça n'est pas possible d'ajouter un fichier .midi quand j’essaie de l'ajouter j'obtiens le message suivant :
L’extension midi n’est pas autorisée. :evil:
Froid de novembre, range ton membre
P. Desproges
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Messages : 7084
Inscription : 21 oct. 2002, 08:13
Localisation : Là où naissent les cloches et les andouilles.

Message par Pierolivier »

J'ai changé l’extension, du coup ça marche ! Non mais ! :mrvert:
cat clb midi.mid
(3.92 Kio) Téléchargé 349 fois
Froid de novembre, range ton membre
P. Desproges
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Râleur permanent
Messages : 7467
Inscription : 14 mai 2006, 11:42
Localisation : A l'est du Mont St-Michel
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Message par Dickie »

Sur Ubuntu je ne sais pas mais sur MacOS oui (mais ce n'est pas très performant)
Pierolivier a écrit :Je joint mon fichier si quelqu'un a une idée (je sais que c'est le genre de challenge que Dickie adore )
catam clb (anne 2015).pdf
Mais puisqu'il est déjà en PDF, pourquoi tu veux importer le MIDI ?
Il n'est pas nécessaire d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer - Guillaume d'Orange
À force de rater on finit par réussir - Les Shadoks
Association "En Coulisses"
Clarbasse, RC Prestige, clar alto, clar métal, clar mib
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Messages : 7467
Inscription : 14 mai 2006, 11:42
Localisation : A l'est du Mont St-Michel
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Message par Dickie »

Ou du moins je savais faire mais là j'ai systématiquement une erreur de syntaxe ligne 535 de l'utilitaire midi2ly :( :( :evil:
Il n'est pas nécessaire d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer - Guillaume d'Orange
À force de rater on finit par réussir - Les Shadoks
Association "En Coulisses"
Clarbasse, RC Prestige, clar alto, clar métal, clar mib
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Messages : 7084
Inscription : 21 oct. 2002, 08:13
Localisation : Là où naissent les cloches et les andouilles.

Message par Pierolivier »

Dickie a écrit :Sur Ubuntu je ne sais pas mais sur MacOS oui (mais ce n'est pas très performant)
Pierolivier a écrit :Je joint mon fichier si quelqu'un a une idée (je sais que c'est le genre de challenge que Dickie adore )
catam clb (anne 2015).pdf
Mais puisqu'il est déjà en PDF, pourquoi tu veux importer le MIDI ?
Ben j'ai des trucs à ajouter dedans et comme je n'ai que le pdf j'ai la flegme de tout me taper dans lilypond :wink:
A la base c'est un midi généré avec sibelius
Pas grave si personne n'a la réponse ça me fera travailler le clavier :mrvert:
Froid de novembre, range ton membre
P. Desproges
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Râleur permanent
Messages : 7467
Inscription : 14 mai 2006, 11:42
Localisation : A l'est du Mont St-Michel
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Message par Dickie »

Le principe c'est de trouver l'utilitaire "midi2ly" dans ton paquet LilyPond (Sur MacOS clic droit sur l'application, Contents--> Resources --> Bin --> midi2ly) puis ouvrir le Terminal, faire glisser midi2ly sur la fenêtre du terminal puis le fichier midi, puis Enter, et avant ça marchait

Sous Unix le principe est le même, mais je ne sais pas ce qui vous sert de console (=Terminal sur Mac)

Et chez moi ça ne marche plus, il y a des erreurs de syntaxe

Si besoin je passe l'utilitaire si un bon en programmation sait lire ça

Code : Tout sélectionner

#!/usr/bin/env python
# midi2ly.py -- LilyPond midi import script

# This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
# Copyright (C) 1998--2012  Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
#                           Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
# LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LilyPond.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


import os
import sys


This generic code used for all python scripts.

The quotes are to ensure that the source .py file can still be
run as a python script, but does not include any sys.path handling.
Otherwise, the lilypond-book calls inside the build
might modify installed .pyc files.


for d in ['/usr/share/lilypond/2.18.2',
    sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (d, 'python'))

# dynamic relocation, for GUB binaries.
bindir = os.path.abspath (os.path.dirname (sys.argv[0]))
for p in ['share', 'lib']:
    datadir = os.path.abspath (bindir + '/../%s/lilypond/current/python/' % p)
    sys.path.insert (0, datadir)

import midi
import lilylib as ly
global _;_=ly._


scale_steps = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
global_options = None

clocks_per_1 = 1536
clocks_per_4 = 0

time = None
reference_note = 0
start_quant_clocks = 0

duration_quant_clocks = 0
allowed_tuplet_clocks = []
bar_max = 0


program_name = sys.argv[0]
program_version = '2.18.2'

authors = ('Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>',
           'Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>')

errorport = sys.stderr

def identify ():
    sys.stdout.write ('%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (program_name, program_version))

def warranty ():
    identify ()
    ly.encoded_write (sys.stdout, '''


''' % ( _ ('Copyright (c) %s by') % '1998--2012',
        '\n  '.join (authors),
        _ ('Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License.'),
        _ ('It comes with NO WARRANTY.')))

def progress (s):
    ly.encoded_write (errorport, s + '\n')

def warning (s):
    progress (_ ("warning: ") + s)

def error (s):
    progress (_ ("error: ") + s)
    raise Exception (_ ("Exiting... "))

def debug (s):
    if global_options.debug:
        progress ("debug: " + s)

def system (cmd, ignore_error = 0):
    return ly.system (cmd, ignore_error=ignore_error)

def strip_extension (f, ext):
    (p, e) = os.path.splitext (f)
    if e == ext:
        e = ''
    return p + e

class Duration:
    allowed_durs = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
    def __init__ (self, clocks):
        self.clocks = clocks
        (self.dur, self.num, self.den) = self.dur_num_den (clocks)

    def dur_num_den (self, clocks):
        for i in range (len (allowed_tuplet_clocks)):
            if clocks == allowed_tuplet_clocks[i]:
                return global_options.allowed_tuplets[i]

        dur = 0; num = 1; den = 1;
        g = gcd (clocks, clocks_per_1)
        if g:
            (dur, num) = (clocks_per_1 / g, clocks / g)
        if not dur in self.allowed_durs:
            dur = 4; num = clocks; den = clocks_per_4
        return (dur, num, den)

    def dump (self):
        if self.den == 1:
            if self.num == 1:
                s = '%d' % self.dur
            elif self.num == 3 and self.dur != 1:
                s = '%d.' % (self.dur / 2)
                s = '%d*%d' % (self.dur, self.num)
            s = '%d*%d/%d' % (self.dur, self.num, self.den)

        global reference_note
        reference_note.duration = self

        return s

    def compare (self, other):
        return self.clocks - other.clocks

def sign (x):
    if x >= 0:
        return 1
        return -1

class Note:
    names = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6)
    alterations = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
    alteration_names = ('eses', 'es', '', 'is' , 'isis')
    def __init__ (self, clocks, pitch, velocity):
        self.pitch = pitch
        self.velocity = velocity
        # hmm
        self.clocks = clocks
        self.duration = Duration (clocks)
        (self.octave, self.notename, self.alteration) = self.o_n_a ()

    def o_n_a (self):
        # major scale: do-do
        # minor scale: la-la  (= + 5) '''

        n = self.names[(self.pitch) % 12]
        a = self.alterations[(self.pitch) % 12]

        key = global_options.key
        if not key:
            key = Key (0, 0, 0)

        if a and key.flats:
            a = - self.alterations[(self.pitch) % 12]
            n = (n - a) % 7

        #  By tradition, all scales now consist of a sequence
        #  of 7 notes each with a distinct name, from amongst
        #  a b c d e f g.  But, minor scales have a wide
        #  second interval at the top - the 'leading note' is
        #  sharped. (Why? it just works that way! Anything
        #  else doesn't sound as good and isn't as flexible at
        #  saying things. In medieval times, scales only had 6
        #  notes to avoid this problem - the hexachords.)

        #  So, the d minor scale is d e f g a b-flat c-sharp d
        #  - using d-flat for the leading note would skip the
        #  name c and duplicate the name d.  Why isn't c-sharp
        #  put in the key signature? Tradition. (It's also
        #  supposedly based on the Pythagorean theory of the
        #  cycle of fifths, but that really only applies to
        #  major scales...)  Anyway, g minor is g a b-flat c d
        #  e-flat f-sharp g, and all the other flat minor keys
        #  end up with a natural leading note. And there you
        #  have it.

        #  John Sankey <bf250@freenet.carleton.ca>
        #  Let's also do a-minor: a b c d e f gis a
        #  --jcn

        o = self.pitch / 12 - 4

        if key.minor:
            # as -> gis
            if (key.sharps == 0 and key.flats == 0
                and n == 5 and a == -1):
                n = 4; a = 1
            # des -> cis
            elif key.flats == 1 and n == 1 and a == -1:
                n = 0; a = 1
            # ges -> fis
            elif key.flats == 2 and n == 4 and a == -1:
                n = 3; a = 1
            # g -> fisis
            elif key.sharps == 5 and n == 4 and a == 0:
                n = 3; a = 2
            # d -> cisis
            elif key.sharps == 6 and n == 1 and a == 0:
                n = 0; a = 2
            # a -> gisis
            elif key.sharps == 7 and n == 5 and a == 0:
                n = 4; a = 2

        # b -> ces
        if key.flats >= 6 and n == 6 and a == 0:
            n = 0; a = -1; o = o + 1
        # e -> fes
        if key.flats >= 7 and n == 2 and a == 0:
            n = 3; a = -1

        # f -> eis
        if key.sharps >= 3 and n == 3 and a == 0:
            n = 2; a = 1
        # c -> bis
        if key.sharps >= 4 and n == 0 and a == 0:
            n = 6; a = 1; o = o - 1

        return (o, n, a)

    def __repr__ (self):
        s = chr ((self.notename + 2)  % 7 + ord ('a'))
        return 'Note(%s %s)' % (s, self.duration.dump ())

    def dump (self, dump_dur=True):
        global reference_note
        s = chr ((self.notename + 2)  % 7 + ord ('a'))
        s = s + self.alteration_names[self.alteration + 2]
        if global_options.absolute_pitches:
            commas = self.octave
            delta = self.pitch - reference_note.pitch
            commas = sign (delta) * (abs (delta) / 12)
            if (((sign (delta)
                  * (self.notename - reference_note.notename) + 7)
                 % 7 >= 4)
                or ((self.notename == reference_note.notename)
                    and (abs (delta) > 4) and (abs (delta) < 12))):
                commas = commas + sign (delta)

        if commas > 0:
            s = s + "'" * commas
        elif commas < 0:
            s = s + "," * -commas

        if ((dump_dur
             and self.duration.compare (reference_note.duration))
            or global_options.explicit_durations):
            s = s + self.duration.dump ()

        reference_note = self

        # TODO: move space
        return s + ' '

class Time:
    def __init__ (self, num, den):
        self.clocks = 0
        self.num = num
        self.den = den

    def bar_clocks (self):
        return clocks_per_1 * self.num / self.den

    def __repr__ (self):
        return 'Time(%d/%d)' % (self.num, self.den)

    def dump (self):
        global time
        time = self
        return '\n  ' + '\\time %d/%d ' % (self.num, self.den) + '\n  '

class Tempo:
    def __init__ (self, seconds_per_1):
        self.clocks = 0
        self.seconds_per_1 = seconds_per_1

    def __repr__ (self):
        return 'Tempo(%d)' % self.bpm ()

    def bpm (self):
        return 4 * 60 / self.seconds_per_1

    def dump (self):
        return '\n  ' + '\\tempo 4 = %d ' % (self.bpm ()) + '\n  '

class Clef:
    clefs = ('"bass_8"', 'bass', 'violin', '"violin^8"')
    def __init__ (self, type):
        self.type = type

    def __repr__ (self):
        return 'Clef(%s)' % self.clefs[self.type]

    def dump (self):
        return '\n  \\clef %s\n  ' % self.clefs[self.type]

class Key:
    key_sharps = ('c', 'g', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'fis')
    key_flats = ('BUG', 'f', 'bes', 'es', 'as', 'des', 'ges')

    def __init__ (self, sharps, flats, minor):
        self.clocks = 0
        self.flats = flats
        self.sharps = sharps
        self.minor = minor

    def dump (self):
        global_options.key = self

        s = ''
        if self.sharps and self.flats:
            if self.flats:
                k = (ord ('cfbeadg'[self.flats % 7]) - ord ('a') - 2 -2 * self.minor + 7) % 7
                k = (ord ('cgdaebf'[self.sharps % 7]) - ord ('a') - 2 -2 * self.minor + 7) % 7

            if not self.minor:
                name = chr ((k + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))
                name = chr ((k + 2) % 7 + ord ('a'))

            # fis cis gis dis ais eis bis
            sharps = (2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7)
            # bes es as des ges ces fes
            flats = (6, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 1)
            a = 0
            if self.flats:
                if flats[k] <= self.flats:
                    a = -1
                if sharps[k] <= self.sharps:
                    a = 1

            if a:
                name = name + Note.alteration_names[a + 2]

            s = '\\key ' + name
            if self.minor:
                s = s + ' \\minor'
                s = s + ' \\major'

        return '\n\n  ' + s + '\n  '

class Text:
    text_types = (

    def __init__ (self, type, text):
        self.clocks = 0
        self.type = type
        self.text = text

    def dump (self):
        # urg, we should be sure that we're in a lyrics staff
        s = ''
        if self.type == midi.LYRIC:
            s = '"%s"' % self.text
            d = Duration (self.clocks)
            if (global_options.explicit_durations
                or d.compare (reference_note.duration)):
                s = s + Duration (self.clocks).dump ()
            s = s + ' '
        elif (self.text.strip ()
              and self.type == midi.SEQUENCE_TRACK_NAME
              and not self.text == 'control track'
              and not self.track.lyrics_p_):
            text = self.text.replace ('(MIDI)', '').strip ()
            if text:
                s = '\n  \\set Staff.instrumentName = "%(text)s"\n  ' % locals ()
        elif self.text.strip ():
            s = '\n  % [' + self.text_types[self.type] + '] ' + self.text + '\n  '
        return s

    def __repr__ (self):
        return 'Text(%d=%s)' % (self.type, self.text)

def get_voice (channel, music):
    debug ('channel: ' + str (channel) + '\n')
    return unthread_notes (music)

class Channel:
    def __init__ (self, number):
        self.number = number
        self.events = []
        self.music = None
    def add (self, event):
        self.events.append (event)
    def get_voice (self):
        if not self.music:
            self.music = self.parse ()
        return get_voice (self.number, self.music)
    def parse (self):
        pitches = {}
        notes = []
        music = []
        last_lyric = 0
        last_time = 0
        for e in self.events:
            t = e[0]

            if start_quant_clocks:
                t = quantise_clocks (t, start_quant_clocks)

            if (e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_OFF
                or (e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_ON and e[1][2] == 0)):
                debug ('%d: NOTE OFF: %s' % (t, e[1][1]))
                if not e[1][2]:
                    debug ('   ...treated as OFF')
                end_note (pitches, notes, t, e[1][1])

            elif e[1][0] == midi.NOTE_ON:
                if not pitches.has_key (e[1][1]):
                    debug ('%d: NOTE ON: %s' % (t, e[1][1]))
                    pitches[e[1][1]] = (t, e[1][2])
                    debug ('...ignored')

            # all include ALL_NOTES_OFF
            elif (e[1][0] >= midi.ALL_SOUND_OFF
              and e[1][0] <= midi.POLY_MODE_ON):
                for i in pitches:
                    end_note (pitches, notes, t, i)

            elif e[1][0] == midi.META_EVENT:
                if e[1][1] == midi.END_OF_TRACK:
                    for i in pitches:
                        end_note (pitches, notes, t, i)

                elif e[1][1] == midi.SET_TEMPO:
                    (u0, u1, u2) = map (ord, e[1][2])
                    us_per_4 = u2 + 256 * (u1 + 256 * u0)
                    seconds_per_1 = us_per_4 * 4 / 1e6
                    music.append ((t, Tempo (seconds_per_1)))
                elif e[1][1] == midi.TIME_SIGNATURE:
                    (num, dur, clocks4, count32) = map (ord, e[1][2])
                    den = 2 ** dur
                    music.append ((t, Time (num, den)))
                elif e[1][1] == midi.KEY_SIGNATURE:
                    (alterations, minor) = map (ord, e[1][2])
                    sharps = 0
                    flats = 0
                    if alterations < 127:
                        sharps = alterations
                        flats = 256 - alterations

                    k = Key (sharps, flats, minor)
                    if not t and global_options.key:
                        # At t == 0, a set --key overrides us
                        k = global_options.key
                    music.append ((t, k))

                    # ugh, must set key while parsing
                    # because Note init uses key
                    # Better do Note.calc () at dump time?
                    global_options.key = k

                elif (e[1][1] == midi.LYRIC
                      or (global_options.text_lyrics
                          and e[1][1] == midi.TEXT_EVENT)):
                    self.lyrics_p_ = True
                    if last_lyric:
                        last_lyric.clocks = t - last_time
                        music.append ((last_time, last_lyric))
                    last_time = t
                    last_lyric = Text (midi.LYRIC, e[1][2])

                elif (e[1][1] >= midi.SEQUENCE_NUMBER
                      and e[1][1] <= midi.CUE_POINT):
                    text = Text (e[1][1], e[1][2])
                    text.track = self
                    music.append ((t, text))
                    if (text.type == midi.SEQUENCE_TRACK_NAME):
                        self.name = text.text
                    if global_options.verbose:
                        sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)
                if global_options.verbose:
                    sys.stderr.write ("SKIP: %s\n" % `e`)

        if last_lyric:
            # last_lyric.clocks = t - last_time
            # hmm
            last_lyric.clocks = clocks_per_4
            music.append ((last_time, last_lyric))
            last_lyric = 0

        i = 0
        while len (notes):
            if i < len (music) and notes[0][0] >= music[i][0]:
                i = i + 1
                music.insert (i, notes[0])
                del notes[0]
        return music
class Track (Channel):
    def __init__ (self):
        Channel.__init__ (self, None)
        self.name = None
        self.channels = {}
        self.lyrics_p_ = False
    def _add (self, event):
        self.events.append (event)
    def add (self, event, channel=None):
        if channel == None:
            self._add (event)
            self.channels[channel] = self.channels.get (channel, Channel (channel))
            self.channels[channel].add (event)
    def get_voices (self):
        return ([self.get_voice ()]
                + [self.channels[k].get_voice ()
                   for k in sorted (self.channels.keys ())])

def create_track (events):
    track = Track ()
    for e in events:
        data = list (e[1])
        if data[0] > 0x7f and data[0] < 0xf0:
            channel = data[0] & 0x0f
            e = (e[0], tuple ([data[0] & 0xf0] + data[1:]))
            track.add (e, channel)
            track.add (e)
    return track

def quantise_clocks (clocks, quant):
    q = int (clocks / quant) * quant
    if q != clocks:
        for tquant in allowed_tuplet_clocks:
            if int (clocks / tquant) * tquant == clocks:
                return clocks
        if 2 * (clocks - q) > quant:
            q = q + quant
    return q

def end_note (pitches, notes, t, e):
        (lt, vel) = pitches[e]
        del pitches[e]

        i = len (notes) - 1
        while i > 0:
            if notes[i][0] > lt:
                i = i -1
        d = t - lt
        if duration_quant_clocks:
            d = quantise_clocks (d, duration_quant_clocks)
            if not d:
                d = duration_quant_clocks

        notes.insert (i + 1,
              (lt, Note (d, e, vel)))

    except KeyError:

def unthread_notes (channel):
    threads = []
    while channel:
        thread = []
        end_busy_t = 0
        start_busy_t = 0
        todo = []
        for e in channel:
            t = e[0]
            if (e[1].__class__ == Note
                and ((t == start_busy_t
                      and e[1].clocks + t == end_busy_t)
                     or t >= end_busy_t)):
                thread.append (e)
                start_busy_t = t
                end_busy_t = t + e[1].clocks
            elif (e[1].__class__ == Time
                  or e[1].__class__ == Key
                  or e[1].__class__ == Text
                  or e[1].__class__ == Tempo):
                thread.append (e)
                todo.append (e)
        threads.append (thread)
        channel = todo

    return threads

def gcd (a,b):
    if b == 0:
        return a
    c = a
    while c:
        c = a % b
        a = b
        b = c
    return a

def dump_skip (skip, clocks):
    return skip + Duration (clocks).dump () + ' '

def dump (d):
    return d.dump ()

def dump_chord (ch):
    s = ''
    notes = []
    for i in ch:
        if i.__class__ == Note:
            notes.append (i)
            s = s + i.dump ()
    if len (notes) == 1:
        s = s + dump (notes[0])
    elif len (notes) > 1:
        global reference_note
        s = s + '<'
        s = s + notes[0].dump (dump_dur=False)
        r = reference_note
        for i in notes[1:]:
            s = s + i.dump (dump_dur=False)
        s = s + '>'
        s = s + notes[0].duration.dump () + ' '
        reference_note = r
    return s

def dump_bar_line (last_bar_t, t, bar_count):
    s = ''
    bar_t = time.bar_clocks ()
    if t - last_bar_t >= bar_t:
        bar_count = bar_count + (t - last_bar_t) / bar_t

        if t - last_bar_t == bar_t:
            s = '\n  | %% %(bar_count)d\n  ' % locals ()
            last_bar_t = t
            # urg, this will barf at meter changes
            last_bar_t = last_bar_t + (t - last_bar_t) / bar_t * bar_t

    return (s, last_bar_t, bar_count)

def dump_voice (thread, skip):
    global reference_note, time
    ref = Note (0, 4*12, 0)
    if not reference_note:
        reference_note = ref
        ref.duration = reference_note.duration
        reference_note = ref
    last_e = None
    chs = []
    ch = []

    for e in thread:
        if last_e and last_e[0] == e[0]:
            ch.append (e[1])
            if ch:
                chs.append ((last_e[0], ch))

            ch = [e[1]]

        last_e = e

    if ch:
        chs.append ((last_e[0], ch))
    t = 0
    last_t = 0
    last_bar_t = 0
    bar_count = 1

    lines = ['']
    for ch in chs:
        t = ch[0]

        i = lines[-1].rfind ('\n') + 1
        if len (lines[-1][i:]) > LINE_BELL:
            lines.append ('')

        if t - last_t > 0:
            d = t - last_t
            if bar_max and t > time.bar_clocks () * bar_max:
                d = time.bar_clocks () * bar_max - last_t
            lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_skip (skip, d)
        elif t - last_t < 0:
            errorport.write ('BUG: time skew')

        (s, last_bar_t, bar_count) = dump_bar_line (last_bar_t,
                              t, bar_count)

        if bar_max and bar_count > bar_max:

        lines[-1] = lines[-1] + s
        lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_chord (ch[1])

        clocks = 0
        for i in ch[1]:
            if i.clocks > clocks:
                clocks = i.clocks

        last_t = t + clocks

        (s, last_bar_t, bar_count) = dump_bar_line (last_bar_t,
                                                    last_t, bar_count)
        lines[-1] = lines[-1] + s

    return '\n  '.join (lines) + '\n'

def number2ascii (i):
    s = ''
    i += 1
    while i > 0:
        m = (i - 1) % 26
        s = '%c' % (m + ord ('A')) + s
        i = (i - m)/26
    return s

def get_track_name (i):
    return 'track' + number2ascii (i)

def get_channel_name (i):
    return 'channel' + number2ascii (i)

def get_voice_name (i, zero_too_p=False):
    if i or zero_too_p:
        return 'voice' + number2ascii (i)
    return ''

def lst_append (lst, x):
    lst.append (x)
    return lst

def get_voice_layout (average_pitch):
    d = {}
    for i in range (len (average_pitch)):
        d[average_pitch[i]] = lst_append (d.get (average_pitch[i], []), i)
    s = list (reversed (sorted (average_pitch)))
    non_empty = len (filter (lambda x: x, s))
    names = ['One', 'Two']
    if non_empty > 2:
        names = ['One', 'Three', 'Four', 'Two']
    layout = map (lambda x: '', range (len (average_pitch)))
    for i, n in zip (s, names):
        if i:
            v = d[i]
            if type (v) == list:
                d[i] = v[1:]
                v = v[0]
            layout[v] = n
    return layout

def dump_track (track, n):
    s = '\n'
    track_name = get_track_name (n)

    average_pitch = track_average_pitch (track)
    voices = len (filter (lambda x: x, average_pitch[1:]))
    clef = get_best_clef (average_pitch[0])

    c = 0
    vv = 0
    for channel in track:
        v = 0
        channel_name = get_channel_name (c)
        c += 1
        for voice in channel:
            voice_name = get_voice_name (v)
            voice_id = track_name + channel_name + voice_name
            item = voice_first_item (voice)

            if item and item.__class__ == Note:
                skip = 'r'
                if global_options.skip:
                    skip = 's'
                s += '%(voice_id)s = ' % locals ()
                if not global_options.absolute_pitches:
                    s += '\\relative c '
            elif item and item.__class__ == Text:
                skip = '" "'
                s += '%(voice_id)s = \\lyricmode ' % locals ()
                skip = '\\skip '
                s += '%(voice_id)s = ' % locals ()
            s += '{\n'
            if not n and not vv and global_options.key:
                s += global_options.key.dump ()
            if average_pitch[vv+1] and voices > 1:
                vl = get_voice_layout (average_pitch[1:])[vv]
                if vl:
                    s += '  \\voice' + vl + '\n'
                    if not global_options.quiet:
                        warning (_ ('found more than 5 voices on a staff, expect bad output'))
            s += '  ' + dump_voice (voice, skip)
            s += '}\n\n'
            v += 1
            vv += 1

    s += '%(track_name)s = <<\n' % locals ()

    if clef.type != 2:
        s += clef.dump () + '\n'

    c = 0
    vv = 0
    for channel in track:
        v = 0
        channel_name = get_channel_name (c)
        c += 1
        for voice in channel:
            voice_context_name = get_voice_name (vv, zero_too_p=True)
            voice_name = get_voice_name (v)
            v += 1
            vv += 1
            voice_id = track_name + channel_name + voice_name
            item = voice_first_item (voice)
            context = 'Voice'
            if item and item.__class__ == Text:
                context = 'Lyrics'
            s += '  \\context %(context)s = %(voice_context_name)s \\%(voice_id)s\n' % locals ()
    s += '>>\n\n'
    return s

def voice_first_item (voice):
    for event in voice:
        if (event[1].__class__ == Note
            or (event[1].__class__ == Text
                and event[1].type == midi.LYRIC)):
            return event[1]
    return None

def channel_first_item (channel):
    for voice in channel:
        first = voice_first_item (voice)
        if first:
            return first
    return None

def track_first_item (track):
    for channel in track:
        first = channel_first_item (channel)
        if first:
            return first
    return None

def track_average_pitch (track):
    i = 0
    p = [0]
    v = 1
    for channel in track:
        for voice in channel:
            c = 0
            p.append (0)
            for event in voice:
                if event[1].__class__ == Note:
                    i += 1
                    c += 1
                    p[v] += event[1].pitch
            if c:
                p[0] += p[v]
                p[v] = p[v] / c
            v += 1
    if i:
        p[0] = p[0] / i
    return p

def get_best_clef (average_pitch):
    if average_pitch:
        if average_pitch <= 3*12:
            return Clef (0)
        elif average_pitch <= 5*12:
            return Clef (1)
        elif average_pitch >= 7*12:
            return Clef (3)
    return Clef (2)

class Staff:
    def __init__ (self, track):
        self.voices = track.get_voices ()
    def dump (self, i):
        return dump_track (self.voices, i)

def convert_midi (in_file, out_file):
    global clocks_per_1, clocks_per_4, key
    global start_quant_clocks
    global duration_quant_clocks
    global allowed_tuplet_clocks
    global time

    str = open (in_file, 'rb').read ()
    clocks_max = bar_max * clocks_per_1 * 2
    midi_dump = midi.parse (str, clocks_max)

    clocks_per_1 = midi_dump[0][1]
    clocks_per_4 = clocks_per_1 / 4
    time = Time (4, 4)

    if global_options.start_quant:
        start_quant_clocks = clocks_per_1 / global_options.start_quant

    if global_options.duration_quant:
        duration_quant_clocks = clocks_per_1 / global_options.duration_quant

    allowed_tuplet_clocks = []
    for (dur, num, den) in global_options.allowed_tuplets:
        allowed_tuplet_clocks.append (clocks_per_1 / dur * num / den)

    if global_options.verbose:
        print 'allowed tuplet clocks:', allowed_tuplet_clocks

    tracks = [create_track (t) for t in midi_dump[1]]
    # urg, parse all global track events, such as Key first
    # this fixes key in different voice/staff problem
    for t in tracks:
        t.music = t.parse ()
    prev = None
    staves = []
    for t in tracks:
        voices = t.get_voices ()
        if ((t.name and prev and prev.name)
            and t.name.split (':')[0] == prev.name.split (':')[0]):
            # staves[-1].voices += voices
            # all global track events first
            staves[-1].voices = ([staves[-1].voices[0]]
                                 + [voices[0]]
                                 + staves[-1].voices[1:]
                                 + voices[1:])
            staves.append (Staff (t))
        prev = t

    tag = '%% Lily was here -- automatically converted by %s from %s' % ( program_name, in_file)

    s = tag
    s += r'''
\version "2.14.0"

    s += r'''
\layout {
  \context {
    \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
    \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
    \remove "Rest_engraver"
    \consists "Completion_rest_engraver"

    for i in global_options.include_header:
        s += '\n%% included from %(i)s\n' % locals ()
        s += open (i).read ()
        if s[-1] != '\n':
            s += '\n'
        s += '% end\n'

    for i, t in enumerate (staves):
        s += t.dump (i)

    s += '\n\\score {\n  <<\n'

    control_track = False
    i = 0
    for i, staff in enumerate (staves):
        track_name = get_track_name (i)
        item = track_first_item (staff.voices)
        staff_name = track_name
        context = None
        if not i and not item and len (staves) > 1:
            control_track = track_name
        elif (item and item.__class__ == Note):
            context = 'Staff'
            if control_track:
                s += '    \\context %(context)s=%(staff_name)s \\%(control_track)s\n' % locals ()
        elif item and item.__class__ == Text:
            context = 'Lyrics'
        if context:
            s += '    \\context %(context)s=%(staff_name)s \\%(track_name)s\n' % locals ()

    s = s + '''  >>
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

    if not global_options.quiet:
        progress (_ ("%s output to `%s'...") % ('LY', out_file))

    if out_file == '-':
        handle = sys.stdout
        handle = open (out_file, 'w')

    handle.write (s)
    handle.close ()

def get_option_parser ():
    p = ly.get_option_parser (usage=_ ("%s [OPTION]... FILE") % 'midi2ly',
                 description=_ ("Convert %s to LilyPond input.\n") % 'MIDI',

    p.add_option ('-a', '--absolute-pitches',
           help=_ ('print absolute pitches'))
    p.add_option ('-d', '--duration-quant',
           metavar=_ ('DUR'),
           help=_ ('quantise note durations on DUR'))
    p.add_option ('-D', '--debug',
           help=_ ('debug printing'))
    p.add_option ('-e', '--explicit-durations',
           help=_ ('print explicit durations'))
    p.add_option('-h', '--help',
           help=_ ('show this help and exit'))
    p.add_option('-i', '--include-header',
           help=_ ('prepend FILE to output'),
           metavar=_ ('FILE'))
    p.add_option('-k', '--key', help=_ ('set key: ALT=+sharps|-flats; MINOR=1'),
           metavar=_ ('ALT[:MINOR]'),
    p.add_option ('-o', '--output', help=_ ('write output to FILE'),
           metavar=_ ('FILE'),
    p.add_option ('-p', '--preview', help=_ ('preview of first 4 bars'),
    p.add_option ('-q', '--quiet',
           help=_ ("suppress progress messages and warnings about excess voices"))
    p.add_option ('-s', '--start-quant',help= _ ('quantise note starts on DUR'),
           metavar=_ ('DUR'))
    p.add_option ('-S', '--skip',
           action = "store_true",
           help =_ ("use s instead of r for rests"))
    p.add_option ('-t', '--allow-tuplet',
           metavar=_ ('DUR*NUM/DEN'),
           action = 'append',
           help=_ ('allow tuplet durations DUR*NUM/DEN'),
    p.add_option ('-V', '--verbose', help=_ ('be verbose'),
    p.version = 'midi2ly (LilyPond) 2.18.2'
    p.add_option ('--version',
                 help=_ ('show version number and exit'))
    p.add_option ('-w', '--warranty', help=_ ('show warranty and copyright'),
    p.add_option ('-x', '--text-lyrics', help=_ ('treat every text as a lyric'),

    p.add_option_group (ly.display_encode (_ ('Examples')),
              description = r'''
  $ midi2ly --key=-2:1 --duration-quant=32 --allow-tuplet=4*2/3 --allow-tuplet=2*4/3 foo.midi
    p.add_option_group ('',
            _ ('Report bugs via %s')
            % 'http://post.gmane.org/post.php'
            '?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs') + '\n')
    return p

def do_options ():
    opt_parser = get_option_parser ()
    (options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args ()

    if options.warranty:
        warranty ()
        sys.exit (0)

    if not args or args[0] == '-':
        opt_parser.print_help ()
        ly.stderr_write ('\n%s: %s %s\n' % (program_name, _ ('error: '),
                         _ ('no files specified on command line.')))
        sys.exit (2)

    if options.duration_quant:
        options.duration_quant = int (options.duration_quant)

    if options.key:
        (alterations, minor) = map (int, (options.key + ':0').split (':'))[0:2]
        sharps = 0
        flats = 0
        if alterations >= 0:
            sharps = alterations
            flats = - alterations
        options.key = Key (sharps, flats, minor)

    if options.start_quant:
        options.start_quant = int (options.start_quant)

    global bar_max
    if options.preview:
        bar_max = 4

    options.allowed_tuplets = [map (int, a.replace ('/','*').split ('*'))
                for a in options.allowed_tuplets]

    if options.verbose:
        sys.stderr.write ('Allowed tuplets: %s\n' % `options.allowed_tuplets`)

    global global_options
    global_options = options

    return args

def main ():
    files = do_options ()

    exts = ['.midi', '.mid', '.MID']
    for f in files:
        g = f
        for e in exts:
            g = strip_extension (g, e)
        if not os.path.exists (f):
            for e in exts:
                n = g + e
                if os.path.exists (n):
                    f = n

        if not global_options.output:
            outdir = '.'
            outbase = os.path.basename (g)
            o = outbase + '-midi.ly'
        elif (global_options.output[-1] == os.sep
              or os.path.isdir (global_options.output)):
            outdir = global_options.output
            outbase = os.path.basename (g)
            o = os.path.join (outdir, outbase + '-midi.ly')
            o = global_options.output
            (outdir, outbase) = os.path.split (o)

        if outdir and outdir != '.' and not os.path.exists (outdir):
            os.mkdir (outdir, 0777)

        convert_midi (f, o)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main ()
Il n'est pas nécessaire d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer - Guillaume d'Orange
À force de rater on finit par réussir - Les Shadoks
Association "En Coulisses"
Clarbasse, RC Prestige, clar alto, clar métal, clar mib
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Messages : 844
Inscription : 21 août 2015, 13:45
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Message par ceciledesb »

tu peux pas faire un tiff import à partir de ton pdf ? je fais ça sous Finale
Selmer Récital Sib / La - BD4 - Steuer Exclusive 3.5 - Ligaphone C.L.A.S Or

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"Jouer juste c'est jouer faux ensemble."
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Inscription : 14 mai 2006, 11:42
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Message par Dickie »

On ne parle pas de Finale dans un fil consacré à LilyPond si on ne veut pas se faire exclure 10 jours :mrvert: :mrvert:
Il n'est pas nécessaire d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer - Guillaume d'Orange
À force de rater on finit par réussir - Les Shadoks
Association "En Coulisses"
Clarbasse, RC Prestige, clar alto, clar métal, clar mib
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Messages : 844
Inscription : 21 août 2015, 13:45
Localisation : Suisse (Lausanne)

Message par ceciledesb »

:oops: :oops: :oops:
ok je sors de ce fil, visiblement pas fait pour moi !! :mrvert: :mrvert:
Selmer Récital Sib / La - BD4 - Steuer Exclusive 3.5 - Ligaphone C.L.A.S Or

Pour retrouver mon post de présentation c'est ici

"Jouer juste c'est jouer faux ensemble."
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La Castafiore !
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Inscription : 30 déc. 2005, 18:17
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Message par Dim »

la conversion fonctionne, par contre les rendu n'est pas jojo, mais on peut passer des paramètre de quantification je crois.
je regarderai à quoi ressemble le fichier midi.
Pièces jointes
(4.16 Kio) Téléchargé 331 fois
L'ingénieur Barnier est formel, le projecteur de particules à double polarisation chromatique entrera en résonnance avec le palpeur de mirette si vous avez le malheur de le laisser branché. Il en résultera la destruction de votre beau câbleur tout neuf.
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Inscription : 21 oct. 2002, 08:13
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Message par Pierolivier »

Dim a écrit :la conversion fonctionne, par contre les rendu n'est pas jojo, mais on peut passer des paramètre de quantification je crois.
je regarderai à quoi ressemble le fichier midi.
Merci Dim, effectivement c'est pas jojo :wink: Comment as tu fait ?
Froid de novembre, range ton membre
P. Desproges
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La Castafiore !
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Inscription : 30 déc. 2005, 18:17
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Message par Dim »

en fait exactement comme c'est écrit dans la doc :

Code : Tout sélectionner

midi2ly --output=cat Téléchargements/cat\ clb\ midi.mid
L'ingénieur Barnier est formel, le projecteur de particules à double polarisation chromatique entrera en résonnance avec le palpeur de mirette si vous avez le malheur de le laisser branché. Il en résultera la destruction de votre beau câbleur tout neuf.
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Infidèle de la première heure
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Inscription : 16 mai 2005, 22:38
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Message par EricW »

Effectivement il faut trifouiller les paramètres de quantification pour que le résultat soit un peu plus propre, quoi que normalement si c'est un midi généré par un éditeur de partoches ça devrait être propre (notez l'emploi du conditionnel ...)

Personnellement je trouve que la plupart du temps je vais plus vite à saisir directos qu'à corriger les conneries.

Je jetterai un oeil à ton midi po, quand j'ai un moment, voir si y'a moyen de sortir un truc propre d'entrée de jeu.

Dickie, tes problèmes d'éxécution de midi2ly semblent dus à un conflit de version de python (midi2ly est écrit en python, mais probablement pas la version qui est installée sur ton ordi...).

« Finalement, j’ai rencontré une brouette, et j’ai pensé qu’elle me prêterait une oreille attentive. » Lewis Carroll